2003-06-22 01:17:38 UTC
You miss the point ... pot doesn't have to be good for you before it becomes
illegal ...
There are millions of people damaged from consuming alcohol ... more
children are damaged from it, than any kind of pot use ...
That is, they sell cigarettes and booze and fatty foods ... and these don't
come with legal implications now, do they?
Pot smokers are merely asking for the same consideration ...
illegal ...
There are millions of people damaged from consuming alcohol ... more
children are damaged from it, than any kind of pot use ...
That is, they sell cigarettes and booze and fatty foods ... and these don't
come with legal implications now, do they?
Pot smokers are merely asking for the same consideration ...
So, who's selling the dope? And what will you tell the smokers in a few
years when their brain begins to fail making connections causing them to
notyears when their brain begins to fail making connections causing them to
talk right? Or why they didn't make good decisions. I had experience
withdope and dopers,and not many were winners in the race of life. - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
-----== Over 80,000 Newsgroups - 16 Different Servers! =-----
By Ivan Gowch
TORONTO (GNS, 6-19-03) -- A small group of marijuana
aficionados and medical-marijuana supporters gathered
in front of police headquarters in downtown Toronto
on Thursday to smoke a little dope.
This they did, as B.C. cannabis activist Marc Emery
handed out joints and worked the crowd. The cops,
for their part, did what they had to do: nothing.
When breath wasn't being held, discussion centred
on the remarkable series of recent court decisions
that have left Ontario perhaps the only jurisdiction
on the planet with no law prohibiting personal
possession of boo.
This happy circumstance will probably not obtain
permanently. The federal government is preparing
legislation designed to ease up on penalties for
personal possession which will, ironically,
recriminalize an activity that is, at time of writing,
completely legal.
Perhaps enough Canadians will exploit this fortuitous
lull in the war against some drugs and tell the
federal government, loudly, that the onus is on it to
demonstrate why there should be any law restricting
the use of cannabis whatsoever and if it can't do so,
to leave things as they are.
Unfortunately, those most disposed to take up the
challenge are also the ones most likely to be too
stoned to do so.
Meanwhile, it's probable that at this very moment,
the word is spreading far and near among lovers of
marijuana's gentle confusion . . . Ontario is the
place this summer . . . the weather is at its best,
the people are decent, if not overly friendly, and
the dope is legal. That's right. Legal.
Yep, folks. The Summer of Love, 2003, is in
Toronto this year (but just to be safe, better not
try to bring your bong across the border).
And don't worry about a thing. Almost nobody gets
SARS anyway. . . .
(c) 2003 Ivan Gowch
-----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =-----BLOWING SMOKE AT THE COPS
By Ivan Gowch
TORONTO (GNS, 6-19-03) -- A small group of marijuana
aficionados and medical-marijuana supporters gathered
in front of police headquarters in downtown Toronto
on Thursday to smoke a little dope.
This they did, as B.C. cannabis activist Marc Emery
handed out joints and worked the crowd. The cops,
for their part, did what they had to do: nothing.
When breath wasn't being held, discussion centred
on the remarkable series of recent court decisions
that have left Ontario perhaps the only jurisdiction
on the planet with no law prohibiting personal
possession of boo.
This happy circumstance will probably not obtain
permanently. The federal government is preparing
legislation designed to ease up on penalties for
personal possession which will, ironically,
recriminalize an activity that is, at time of writing,
completely legal.
Perhaps enough Canadians will exploit this fortuitous
lull in the war against some drugs and tell the
federal government, loudly, that the onus is on it to
demonstrate why there should be any law restricting
the use of cannabis whatsoever and if it can't do so,
to leave things as they are.
Unfortunately, those most disposed to take up the
challenge are also the ones most likely to be too
stoned to do so.
Meanwhile, it's probable that at this very moment,
the word is spreading far and near among lovers of
marijuana's gentle confusion . . . Ontario is the
place this summer . . . the weather is at its best,
the people are decent, if not overly friendly, and
the dope is legal. That's right. Legal.
Yep, folks. The Summer of Love, 2003, is in
Toronto this year (but just to be safe, better not
try to bring your bong across the border).
And don't worry about a thing. Almost nobody gets
SARS anyway. . . .
(c) 2003 Ivan Gowch - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
-----== Over 80,000 Newsgroups - 16 Different Servers! =-----