We still have more faith in the Libs than the Cons . . .
(too old to reply)
2020-07-27 21:50:39 UTC
Updated on Jul 27, 2020 at 10:47 am ET

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic boosted the popularity of the Liberals in the spring, but their support has been falling in the wake of the WE Charity controversy. Nevertheless, the Liberals would still likely form a majority government if an election were held today. This is because the Conservatives, who took a big hit in support after the October election, have not made any gains of their own. Instead, the New Democrats, Greens and Bloc Québécois are up slightly over the last month.

Poll averages

LIB 38.9% -1.4

CON 28.3% -0.2

NDP 16.2% +0.5

BQ 6.9% +0.2

GRN 6.6% +0.4

OTH 3.2% +0.5

Poll Tracker

From CBC poll analyst Éric Grenier, the Poll Tracker aggregates all publicly available polling data.
Cynical Guy
2020-07-31 13:29:56 UTC
The conservatives can say all they want about Trudeau and this so-called scandal, he's still way better than if that phony Christian idiot Randy-Andy would have ever been. Trouble is, since they lost the election due to Scheer's stupidity and his incompetence, and his refusal to distance himself from right-wing religious hate groups like CitizenGo, Campaign Life Coalition, Christian Positive Space, and the National House of prayer, and their bigoted, hate-spreading and misogynist leaders David Cooke, Jack Fonseca, and David Lynn. Add to his election failure is the stupid decision of taking advice from the most vile, repulsive piece of human garbage, Ezra Levant, who should slither back under the rock he slithered out from under.

The conservatives have been foaming at the mouth, waiting for a chance to overthrow, I mean, bring down the Trudeau government. They think they have it now. The good thing is, too many Canadians can see through their bullshit! The conservatives are out-and-out failures at anything. Too many conservative candidates make the mistake of touting their "strong Christian principles" during any campaign. They also use their constitutional right to their precious freedom to practice their religion as they see fit, all the while refusing to acknowledge my right to my constitutional right to be free from the poisonous effect of their morally bankrupted "faith". In the last election too, the conservative candidate in my area, along with the People's Party candidate and the candidate from the Christian Heritage party, all got their shorts in a knot when I hit them with what I believed, and still believe, was a major issue, that being the reinstatement of section 13 of the Human Rights Code, that sh*t-for-brains Stevie Harper, with help from the Christian right, got abolished. Their biggest complaint was that section 13 restricted their precious "free speech" and "freedom of expression". Wrong! Funny how they demand their constitutional right to spew hatred based on their misguided religious principles, but admonish me because I have a license plate frame that says "REASON IS THE REASON I'M AN ATHEIST". Freedom of expression indeed! More like freedom of expression for me, but not for thee!

What section 13 did was protect marginalized groups from the religious-based hate speech. And if you've ever researched groups like CitizenGo and Campaign Life Coalition, their "leaders" do nothing but go around spewing hatred. True Christians, like that repulsive parasite David Cooke calls himself? If you know any Christians, they really are, which, more and more, is turning people off religion.

Fun fact: A Professor Helmuth Nyborg at Aarhus University in Denmark did a study using 7000 subjects to see if there was any difference in IQs between Atheists and religious people. On average, Atheists tended to have a 5.8 point higher IQ then religious people. And since "religious people" tend to be conservative, while Atheists tend to be liberal, that pretty much tells a story there!

Trudeau may have faults, but, the conservatives under Randy-Andy Scheer had, and still have, far more. If that brain-dead phony Christian had of won the election, he would have followed in Donald Trump's footsteps, especially where trying to contain the spread of COVID-19. Then Canada would have been in just a big a mess as Trump has inflicted on the U.S. Would any free-thinking Canadian have wanted that? Conservatives might have, but not people who think rationally.

On Monday, July 27, 2020 at 5:50:39 PM UTC-4, ***@gmail.com wrote: