Morbidly Obese Gluttonous Pedophile Still On The Loose - Christians To Be Held Accountable
(too old to reply)
Gregg Carr
2020-10-23 11:37:47 UTC
A tireless champion of christian pedophilia and over eating.

How many children has he raped???

Religious Program Distorted Facts and Contained Abusive Comments about
Homosexuals, Says Canadian Broadcast Standards Council

Ottawa, December 8, 2010 - The Canadian Broadcast Standards Council (CBSC)
today released its decision concerning the religious talk program Word TV
broadcast on CITS-TV (CTS – Crossroads Television Ontario). The CBSC
concluded that the program violated provisions of the Canadian Association
of Broadcasters’ (CAB) Code of Ethics and Equitable Portrayal Code.

Word TV (previously called Word.ca) is a religious talk program hosted by
Charles McVety, who discusses political issues and current events from an
evangelical Christian perspective and sometimes has guests on the show.
The CBSC received complaints about the program’s treatment of different
issues, such as homosexuality, Islam, Haiti and euthanasia. The
complainant felt that the program had included discriminatory comments on
the basis of sexual orientation, religion and mental disability.

The CBSC’s Ontario Regional Panel examined the complaints under the Human
Rights clauses of the CAB Code of Ethics and Equitable Portrayal Code,
which prohibit the broadcast of abusive or unduly discriminatory comment
about identifiable groups. It also examined them under the Religious
Programming Clause of the CAB Code of Ethics, which prohibits attacks on
identifiable groups in such programming, as well as the Negative Portrayal
Clause of the CAB Equitable Portrayal Code.

With respect to the comments about homosexuality, the Panel explained that
the program was entitled to air objections to that practice generally, to
government funding of gay pride parades and to changes made to an Ontario
school curriculum that would include discussion of homosexuality. When,
however, the program suggested that homosexuals prey on children, it
violated the Human Rights, Religious Programming and Negative Portrayal
Clauses. In the Panel’s words, “McVety may not like homosexuality. That
is his entitlement, but to leave the totally unsubstantiated impression
that gay and lesbian adults have a predilection toward young, underage
people is insidious and unacceptable. In all, the Panel finds the McVety
mis-characterizations as excessive, inappropriate, disparaging, and
abusive [...].” The Panel also found that the program violated the Full,
Fair and Proper Presentation Clause of the CAB Code of Ethics for
dramatically distorting certain facts. For example, McVety claimed that
the Alberta and Ontario Human Rights Commissions have a 100% “conviction”
rate, which is entirely inaccurate. He also stated that “speaking out”
against homosexuality is now a “crime” in Canada, which is also an
inaccurate statement regarding the hate speech provisions of the Criminal

McVety also discussed Islam and Muslims. He talked about Biblical history
relating to conflicts between Muslims and Jews, the role of the Grand
Mufti during World War Two, the Fort Hood shootings, various terrorist
attacks, and the Iranian president’s statements about the development of
nuclear weapons. The overall message was that Muslims could be a threat
to Christians and the Western world, but the Panel found no Code breaches
because there was repeatedly a distinction drawn between Islam and radical

With respect to euthanasia, McVety and his guest objected to a bill that
would have legalized euthanasia that was then before the House of Commons.
They expressed their concern that the law would make it too easy for
doctors to convince people suffering from mental distress to agree to
assisted suicide. The Panel considered that “it was entirely reasonable
that they hold and broadcast an opinion on a matter of such societal
importance, whatever their viewpoint. Nor does the Panel consider that
any of that discussion in any way disparaged persons on account of their

McVety also made some comments about Haiti and Haitians in the aftermath
of the devastating January 2010 earthquake. He encouraged viewers to
donate to help Haitians in need, but also referred to the Satanism and the
“deal with the devil” that he believed Haitians had made in the past. The
Panel again found no Code breaches, observing that “Those may or may not
be correct appreciations, but the Panel doubts that they are easily
assessable conclusions.” The Panel concluded that “the expression of
those opinions was made in a positive context and did not reach the level
of abusive or unduly discriminatory comment based on religion, nationality
or ethnicity.”

Canada’s private broadcasters have themselves created industry standards
in the form of Codes on ethics, equitable portrayal, television violence
and journalistic independence by which they expect the members of their
profession will abide. In 1990, they also created the CBSC, which is the
self-regulatory body with the responsibility of administering those
professional broadcast Codes and the pay television Codes, as well as the
Code dealing with journalistic ethics created by the RTNDA – Association
of Electronic Journalists in 1970. More than 750 radio stations,
satellite radio services, television stations and specialty services from
across Canada are members of the Council.
Cynical Guy
2020-11-08 11:53:42 UTC
It doesn't surprise me that a hate-filled Homophobic bigot like you would support a dangerous, psychotic, right-wing Christian hate-spreader like Charles McVety. And the fact that this "man of God" is so well thought of within religious circles is proof that (1) there is no God, because if there was, he/she/it would have destroyed this evil parasite and everything he stands for, and (2) what the late Christopher Hitchens said is true, religion poisons everything.

On Friday, October 23, 2020 at 7:37:49 AM UTC-4, Gregg Carr wrote: